
In addition to our many delicious food offerings, cultural performances and beautiful exhibits, we operate a number of concessions.  A few of them are outlined below:

Our Raffle Prize Drawing

Feeling lucky?

Raffle tickets are available for purchase at our Raffle Booth.  Tickets are $2.00 apiece for the opportunity to win the following:



The grand prizes above are drawn at the conclusion of the Festival, on Sunday evening.  In addition, throughout the weekend, raffle tickets are also drawn for other nice prizes.  In either case, you do NOT need to be present to win

Crafts Boutique

We also operate a Crafts Boutique adjacent to the Raffle Booth.  Here you will find all sorts of items, many handcrafted by talented JA Club members.  A few of the many items you may find for sale include:

Childrens Games

Families and children are an important part of why the JA Club exists.  To that end, the Festival provides a games area - especially geared toward younger kids- where they are sure to win a prize!

Prices at Games Area