GoFundMe Page Established for JARCC
Date of publication : 28 May 2020 23:05:11
As many of you are aware, the 2020 JARCC Summer Festival has been cancelled - due to concerns over the Covid-19 pandemic. A long-standing community event, it has annually attracted thousands of interested and hungry visitors during the weekend long cultural festivities. It has also served as the primary fundraiser for our non-profit organization, helping to defray maintenance and operational costs for the year.
Given the unanticipated shortfall, a number of JA Club members approached the JARCC Board of Directors with a proposal to set up a Go Fund Me page for donations, to aid the club during this time.
For those of you interested in finding out how you may help, please visit www.gofundme.com/f/diablo-jrcc-summer-festival-fundraiser to learn more.