Hana-Matsuri 花祭り 4/15/2018
Date of publication : 15 Apr. 2018 20:55:07
Hana-Matsuri is the celebration of the birth of Sakyamuni Buddha. He was born in Lumbini's Garden which is in the southern foothills of the Himalayas. His father was King Suddhodana of the Sakya Clan and his mother Queen Maya. He was named Prince Siddartha and the family name was Gautama. When he became enlightened at the age of 35, people gave him the title of Buddha, the Enlightened One, and revered him as Sakyamuni, the sage of the Sakyas.
The various rites observed during Hanamatsuri (literally Flower Festival) services are based upon the happenings at the time of Prince Siddartha's birth. The Hanamido or miniature floral altar of bright flowers provides the setting of the beautiful Lumbini's Garden. The statue of the baby Buddha, Tanjo-Butsu, which has his arm extended, illustrates the merits of the Buddha reaching out to all beings. The pouring of the sweet tea on the statue, kambutsu, represents the gentle rain which fell that day in Lumbini's Garden.
Thank you to Sensei Brian Nagata for conducting the Hana-Matsuri Service.
花祭りって何? - 四月八日のお釈迦さま(仏教の開祖)の誕生日に行われる仏教行事を花まつりといいます。お釈迦さまのお誕生日を祝って全国の寺院で花まつりが催されるのです。本来は、灌仏会(かんぶつえ)という名称で、浴仏会(よくぶつえ)、仏生会(ぶっしょうえ)、竜華会(りゅうげえ)などの別名もありますが、宗派を問わず使われる花まつりという名称が今ではこの行事の代名詞となっています。また、花まつりを幼稚園や学校の行事としている場合もあり、お寺だけの行事でなく、一般の行事としても浸透してきています。